Residents need fire fighters in Kitimat when they need them

Residents need fire fighters in Kitimat when they need them

Kitimat Fire fighters are at the breaking point, Kitimat Council needs to make public safety a top priority and ensure we have enough firefighter/paramedics to protect our community.


Seconds matter during emergencies

  • House fires double in size every 30 seconds. It is important for firefighters to arrive on scene quickly with enough firefighters to be able to rescue you and your family.

  • WorkSafeBC requires us to have 4 firefighters on scene before we can go into a fire. We cannot rescue you and your family if we don't have 4 firefighters on scene.

  • Kitimat Firefighters do not have enough firefighters to provide for effective, efficient, and safe emergency operations as required by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA®) Standard 1710.

The Kitimat Firefighters are simply asking Council to give their firefighters the tools they need to do their jobs and to keep you safe.

Firefighting is a science, and how many firefighters show up when you call 911 should not come down to politics.

  • 4 Firefighters on the Engine: The NFPA 1710 standard is based on science and research and it says fire engines and ladders should always each have a minimum of four firefighters.

  • 2 Paramedics per Ambulance: Our industry uses a standard called NFPA 1710 to determine how to properly staff fire halls, fire trucks and ambulances.

  • 4 Firefighters on a Ladder Truck: The NFPA 1710 standard is based on science and research and it says how many firefighters should show up to a fire and how many firefighters should be on a fire truck.



Kitimat Fire fighters provide paramedic first response and transport for Kitimat, BC. They are the ONLY fire fighters in BC to provide this level of service.

Regularly, the ambulances are doing emergency calls outside of Kitimat and when that happens, Kitimat Firefighters don't have enough firefighters in town to keep Kitimat safe.

Kitimat Fire fighter/Paramedics regularly respond to Terrace, Prince Rupert, and as far away as Smithers for medical calls on the ambulance.

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