You Can't Be What You Can't See

On March 8th 2022, we proudly recognized “International Women’s Day”. This is a significant day for us all as we gather here to advocate and lobby for improvements to the fire service, improvements that encompass all of the women and men who proudly wear our uniform . We are incredibly fortunate to have a number of very progressive women committed to bettering not only the fire service, but bettering the experience for women in the fire service through dialogue on issues facing women in the fire service. These issues include training, health &  safety, clothing & equipment, and workplace and employment issues. 

President Gord Ditchburn says,

“Quite frankly, women are very deserving of a voice not only in the fire service but everywhere and we are committed to find improvement on these subjects. We continue to strongly advocate for the addition of female reproductive cancers as part of the presumptive cancers recognized by WorkSafe and enacted by Government.Last year we created the Women’s Advisory Committee, to research, provide first hand experience  and advocate for change, and we are here to work with government to affect those positive changes. “

The BCPFFA created the Women’s Advisory Committee to advise the Executive on issues facing women in the fire service, including training, safety, equipment, and other workplace and employment issues. 

Please join us in celebrating International Women’s day and recognize the incredible women we have within the Fire Service.