Interested in Sponsoring a BCPFFA event?
The BCPFFA Executive Board offers sponsorship opportunities at various events such as our biennial Educational and Training Conferences, BC Leadership Summit, and Biennial Conventions
The BCPFFA hosts annual conferences where over 350 affiliate leaders, fire chiefs, and occupational health and safety reps attend.
Our sponsorship levels are as follows;
Title Sponsorship;
Speaking Opportunity Forum to address delegates;
Level 1 Size or Largest Logo on Board;
Featured Logo & Link on Event Website,
Customized Social Media Promotion;
Prime location & largest Booth Space at Event Daily;
Customizing upon request.
GOLD LEVEL - $10,000
Level 2 Size Logo on Board;
Sponsorship Promotion to delegates;
Premier location for Booth space; Daily
Logo & Company Link on Event Website,
Customized Social Media Promotion
Prime location booth Space at Event
Level 3 Size Logo on Board,
Logo & Company Link on Event Website,
One day Booth Space at Event; Daily
Level 4 Size Logo on Board;
Logo & Company Link on Event Website;
One day Booth Space at Event;