NFPA 1710; Changes to Fireground Staffing Levels for Career Fire Departments
NFPA 1710 provides the minimum requirements relating to the organization and deployment of fire suppression operations, emergency medical operations, and special operations to the public by career fire departments.
NFPA 1710 - Industry Standard for Fire Departments: Safe Staffing
Fire Fighting is a science, and how many fire fighters show up when you call 911 should not come down to politics.
The NFPA 1710 standard is based on science and research and it says fire engines and ladders should always each have a minimum of four firefighters.
Our industry uses a standard called NFPA 1710 to determine how to properly staff fire halls, fire trucks and ambulances.
For the 2016 edition of the standard, subsection 5.2.4 on fire department service deployment was revised to include three new occupancies, along with the appropriate response staffing levels for each. The minimum staffing level for each occupancy is listed below. (For the full breakdown of staffing requirements by position, refer to the subsections specific to each occupancy in 5.2.4.)