For Immediate Release
November 12, 2024
MP Peter Julian Introduces Motion to Phase Out Harmful Chemicals in Firefighting Gear
BURNABY – Last Friday, Peter Julian, Member of Parliament for New Westminster-Burnaby, introduced Motion M-169 in the House of Commons. The motion calls for the phase-out of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in firefighters' protective gear and fire suppression foam, responding to growing concerns over the significant health risks these chemicals pose, including their links to cancer.
L323, L256, L1782, L1525 Cancer Survivor, BCPFFA and MP Peter Julian
“This motion is about protecting first responders by eliminating their exposure to dangerous chemicals in firefighting equipment and foam,” said MP Julian. “Firefighters work tirelessly to protect our communities, and it’s critical that their gear doesn’t put them at risk. This motion is a direct response to one of the fastest-growing petitions in Parliament, driven by firefighter leaders across British Columbia, including BCPFFA President Todd Schierling, Burnaby L323 President Doug Petti, New Westminster L256 President Shane Poole, and Coquitlam L1782 President Steve Piccolo. Since launching just four months ago, more than 5,000 Canadians have signed the petition calling for the phase-out of PFAS. Parliament now can support safer, healthier working conditions for firefighters. All workers deserve safe conditions—firefighters are no exception. Several countries have already restricted PFAS, and it’s time for Canada to follow suit. Our firefighters deserve gear free from toxic chemicals. Let’s protect those who risk their lives for us,” Julian stated.
"As a firefighter and cancer survivor, I know too well the dangers of PFAS exposure. MP Julian’s Motion M-169 is a vital step in removing these toxic chemicals from our gear, so future firefighters won’t face the same health battles. This isn’t just policy; it’s about protecting lives." - Athena Calogeros, Cancer Survivor and Firefighter, West Vancouver Local 1525
Todd Schierling, President of the British Columbia Professional Fire Fighters' Association (BCPFFA), commented, “Firefighters deserve protection not just from the fires they fight, but also from the gear they wear. This motion moves us closer to eliminating PFAS from our equipment, helping safeguard the health of every firefighter on the front lines.”
Doug Petti, President of Burnaby Local 323, emphasized, “This motion is crucial for the safety of our members. By removing PFAS from firefighting gear, we can significantly reduce long-term health risks that are entirely preventable. It’s a vital step forward.”
Shane Poole, President of New Westminster Local 256, added, “For years, firefighters have unknowingly been exposed to harmful chemicals while doing their jobs. It’s time to prioritize their safety and ensure the gear meant to protect them doesn’t endanger their health.”
Steve Piccolo, President of Coquitlam Local 1782, concluded, “Our firefighters deserve the best protection we can provide, which means ensuring their gear and tools are free from toxic chemicals. Passing this motion is a critical step toward reducing cancer rates among these heroes and safeguarding the health of both current and future generations.”
Media Contact:
Doris Mah
Phone: 604-353-3107
October 31, 2024
MP Peter Julian and several MP’s over nine sessions tabled a PFAS petition in the House of Commons. View the playlist below
July 2024: The BCPFFA, alongside with IAFF 323 Burnaby, 256 New Westminster, 1782 Coquitlam and the IAFF Canadian Office have been working with NDP MP Peter Julian (New Westminster-Burnaby) on an online petition that would call on the federal government to ban Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from turnout gear and fire suppression foam.
Removing PFAS from turnout gear and firefighting foams is one of our key legislative issues. To highlight this issue and elicit an official response from the federal government, MP Julian has offered to sponsor a petition outlining our ask.
With just 25 signatures for a paper petition or 500 signatures for an e-petition, the sponsoring MP has the opportunity to table the petition and speak on the issue in the House of Commons.
We encourage you to support the effort by participating via the following options:
Online Petition: [En e-Petition] [Fr e-Petition] is now CLOSED.
Paper Petition: The paper petition is ideal for gathering signatures at local events like upcoming Canada Day celebrations and BBQs.. Once you have collected 25 signatures or more, Mail the original copy to MP Peter Julian's office (postage-free): Suite 203, Wellington Building House of Commons Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
Initiated by President Todd Schierling, BC Professional Fire Fighters’ Association
Sponsored by MP Peter Julian
We, the undersigned Citizens of Canada, draw the attention of the House of Commons
WHEREAS, Health Canada’s State of PFAS Report and Risk Management Report have called for the reduction and prohibition of all forms of PFAS (Per – and Polyfluoroalkyl substances) due to their severe environmental and human health impacts, including effects on the immune and nervous systems, liver, kidney, thyroid, as well as development and reproductive systems, and can cause significant danger to the environment or to human life or health;
WHEREAS, it’s well known and documented that fire fighters contract cancer and other diseases at higher rates than the general public due to the toxic exposures they experience in the course of their duties. As a result, firefighting practices emphasize proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) usage, decontamination protocols and other measures designed to minimize exposure to carcinogens present in combusted materials.
WHEREAS, it has now been determined that for many decades, fire fighters have been regularly exposed to dangerous chemicals from the very things they use to carry out their duties: the coats and pants that make up their firefighting protective gear contain high concentrations of toxic chemicals called PFAS for the primary purpose of repelling water and oil. Fire fighters are also exposed to PFAS in aqueous film forming foams (AFFF) that are used as extinguishing agents at some airports and military facilities across Canada.
THEREFORE, your petitioners call on the Government of Canada, to
(a) amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 to prohibit the manufacture, use, sale, offer for sale or import of PFAS (per –
and polyfluoroalkyl substances);
(b) amend the Canada Labour Code to provide that an employer who employs firefighters must ensure that they are provided with personal protective equipment and fire suppression foam that do not contain any detectable levels of PFAS (per – and polyfluoroalkyl substances);
(c) amend the definition of firefighter in the Subsection 125 (1) of the Canada Labour Code as follows:
1. “firefighter” means a person regularly employed in, or appointed to, a fire department, fire marshal’s office, private fire contractor, seasonal private or public fire service, or band council, and assigned to undertake fire protection services for an employer; also, “pompier”
-Including those who carry out fire suppression duties, whether or not those duties include the performance of other emergency services; or
-Including those who carry out investigation duties respecting the cause, origin or circumstances of a fire;
(d) work with provinces, territories, municipalities, Indigenous and community-based organizations to put into place a timeline and cost- sharing model to phase out firefighters’ personal protective equipment and fire suppression foam that contain any detectable levels of PFAS.
*Definition of PFAS will conform to the U.S. House of Representatives (HR 5987 – The PFAS Definition Improvement Act) in November 2021 to amend Section 8(a)(7) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. 2607(a)(7)) inserted the phrase “that contains at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom,” after “perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substance”. This definition and other definitions have been used by both different regulatory authorizations and other organizations across various international jurisdictions.