News Release October 29, 2024
B.C. firefighters are ready to make significant progress in cancer commitment following a close NDP election win
With the NDP having secured a majority in government, B.C. firefighters are poised for a landmark advance in cancer legislation. Both Premier David Eby (media release and letter) and Conservative leader John Rustad (letter) pledged to expand presumptive cancer coverage for firefighters to include all cancers, marking a significant shift in occupational health protections. This expansion would also reduce the required cumulative employment period for coverage to two years, aligning with U.S. standards and ensuring even early-career firefighters who develop cancer are eligible for timely support.
Photo taken July 10, 2024 - TownHall Meeting with BC Professional Fire Fighters & Local Leaders
Surrey Fire Fighters’ Union Station 1271
This legislative breakthrough is the result of years of advocacy from fire fighters and IAFF Local associations, which have tirelessly highlighted the heightened risks of occupational cancers, exposure to PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances), and the need for comprehensive mental health resources. By expanding protections to cover all forms of cancer, this new legislation underscores a deep commitment to safeguarding the health and well-being of firefighters, ensuring those who face severe risks in their work receive robust support.
With the NDP's majority in place, bipartisan support for this expansion indicates a promising future for firefighter safety in B.C. The legislative momentum demonstrates the province’s dedication to making firefighter health a top priority, marking a major advancement for fire service professionals across the province.
The NDP’s commitment to implement the recently passed in Parliament, Bill C-224 establishing a National Framework for Cancers linked to firefighting, accompanied by a commitment of $12.29 million from the Federal Government will support crucial initiatives such as diagnostic testing, a national cancer registry, and research aimed at protecting firefighters.
Now that the election results are in and a majority government has been formed in the B.C. Legislature, Schierling is calling for swift action on B.C.'s presumptive legislation.
"BC’s fire fighters are eager to collaborate with the provincial government to adopt the country's most progressive health protections," says Schierling. "We advocate in honour of the late Secretary-Treasurer Robert E. Hall, who left a legacy in a decade-long campaign resulted in the B.C. Government recognizing the cancer risks firefighters face, leading to the 2005 legislation that declared seven cancers as presumptive, with an additional eleven recognized thereafter."
Over the past seven years, the NDP Government have supported the BCPFFA expanding cancer presumption coverage, adding five cancers, lowering some employment periods to 10 years, introducing occupational stress injury coverage, provided funding for Occupational Awareness Training, WorkSafe BC reform such as indexing disability payments to keep with cost of living, indexing minimum wage, expanding EMS Scope of practice and legislated five employer paid sick days for all workers - all making a positive impact on our members and their families.
“I also want to express the association’s gratitude to retired Surrey firefighter Mike Starchuk, elected in 2020 as Surrey-Cloverdale MLA and being the first IAFF Fire Fighter to serve the BC Legislature. I am personally thankful for his advocacy and guidance over the years as a local leader and government official. We wish him well in his future endeavours.“ says Schierling.
Now that the election is decided and a majority Government is formed in the BC Legislature, Schierling highlights key legislative priorities for the BCPFFA to present to Premier-Elect David Eby and his NDP government. These priorities include early cancer screenings, retroactive cancer presumptions to 1970, phasing out PFAS from firefighting, funding for mental health resilience programs, integrating IAFF wildfire training into provincial curricula, and establishing three-party panels for collective bargaining arbitrations.
Robert was a fire fighter with Vancouver, Local 18 and he was a leading voice as BCPFFA Secretary-Treasurer in a decade-long lobby to have the BC Government recognize health risks in fire fighters. On October 31, 2005 Robert led us to the Legislature in Victoria and sat in the public gallery for the first reading of the Worker's Compensation Amendment Act. It recognized 7 cancers as occupational diseases for fire fighters {Brain, Bladder, Colorectal, Kidney, Ureter, Primary non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, and primary leukaemia}. Since then, 11 additional Cancers, 1 heart injury and Occupational Stress Injury coverage have been added.
On August 27, 2007 Rob succumbed to Occupational Cancer. BC Fire Fighters will be forever grateful of his leadership and vision in working with the provincial government to recognize and improve fire fighters' health and safety.
The British Columbia Professional Fire Fighters' Association (BCPFFA) advocates for firefighter safety, health protections, and community well-being across BC and serves as a provider to 56 locals, representing over 4,700 members. Key priorities include expanding WorkSafe BC coverage for occupational cancers and injuries, improving mental health resources, and addressing legislative issues—often in collaboration with the provincial government—that impact public and firefighter safety, such as building code changes. Working with partners like the IAFF, Fire Chiefs, and municipal leaders, the BCPFFA pushes for policies to reduce hazardous substance exposure, improve presumptive coverage, and ensure strong legislative support for firefighters across BC.