For Immediate Media Release: June 3 2018
Re: 40th BCPFFA Biennial Convention, Penticton BC
The 40th BCPFFA Biennial Convention wrapped up on May 29th, 2018 at the Lakeside Resort in Penticton, BC where 139 delegates representing 53 locals totalling 3955 members attended to vote on resolutions and elections. The BCPFFA board has some new faces as we enter a two year term from 2018 through 2020. Returning board members by acclamation are Gord Ditchburn as President, Todd Schierling as Secretary-Treasurer, Robert Weeks as Vancouver VP & BCPFFA Executive VP, Cory Parker Lower Mainland South VP, Steve Farina Lower Mainland North VP, Brent Bond Okanagan VP. New to the board by acclamation are David Burns Fraser Valley VP, Aaron Charlton Island VP, Lee DePellegrin Kootenay VP, and elected as Northern VP was Dean Aussem. Trustees Mike Hill and Miles Ritch were re-elected, and Stewart Dumont was elected.
President Gord Ditchburn stated; “This year’s convention was special as we posthumously recognized Clayton Murrell as Honorary Membership to the BCPFFA. Clay was our BCPFFA Kootenay Vice President for six years, and Cranbrook’s Local 1399 President. Clay was a true gentleman and a moral compass for our leadership.”
- Back Row (Left to right) - Stewart Dumont, Miles Ritchie, Dave Burns, Lee DePellegrin, Aaron Charlton, Steve Farina, Dean Aussem, Mike Hill.
- Front Row (Left to right) - Brent Bond, Robert Weeks, Gord Ditchburn, Todd Schierling, Cory Parker.
At the BCPFFA Recognition and Awards Banquet, departing members were recognized for their years of service to the BCPFFA:
- Mike Rispin served 7 years as Executive Vice President Island Region
- Fred Wilkinson served 7 years on the board as Vice President Northern Region
- Mike McNamara served 3 ½ years as Vice President Fraser Valley
- Clayton Murrell served 6 years as Vice President Kootenay Region
Recognition was also provided to past board members as well:
- Mike Hurley served 8 years on the board as President 2008-2016.
- Brian Leavold served 5 years with the board from 2009-2012 & 2014-2016
- Rob Lamoureux served 2 years with the board from 2014-2016
The Resolution to recognize Clay Murrell as “Honorary BCPFFA Member” was unanimously supported by the delegation. At the Awards Banquet, Local 1253, received an “Axe Award” on behalf of Clay’s family at the awards banquet.
Cranbrook Local 1253 receives Axe Award on behalf of Clayton Murrell
For more information, contact the BCPFFA office @ 604-436-2053 or