6th Biennial Fallen Fire Fighters Memorial is Postponed

To all BC Affiliate Locals,

Re: Postponement of 2022 Fallen Fire Memorial 

As a result of the most recent BC Government COVID-19 announcement imposing additional restrictions, the BCPFFA Executive Board has made the difficult decision not to proceed with the 2022 Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial. 

In addition, the decision was made to conduct the 2022 Robert E. Hall Legislative Conference in a virtual format. Details will be forthcoming on this annual event in the coming weeks. 

These decisions reflect our desire to ensure the safety of our membership and their families and are consistent with widespread measures that medical authorities are recommending to minimize transmission of the COVID-19 virus. It is our hope that we will be able to gather in person to honour our Fallen Members in March 2023 without the current restrictions and uncertainties that we are currently facing. 

Registration information for the Robert E. Hall Legislative Conference will be updated in the new year, in the meantime please direct any questions to Karyn Rose admin@bcpffa.org.