To all BC Emergency Frontline Workers

To all BC Emergency Frontline Workers, 

To all of our fire fighters, paramedics and first responders on the frontlines during these past few days, working non-stop to support patients and communities through not only this strenuous heat wave, but through a pre-hospital care system that is clearly failing, THANK YOU!! Thank you for everything that you are doing to make life better for others, these are extremely hard days. 

Over the past few days, fire fighters across this province have faced an enormous wave of medical calls, far greater than we’ve seen in recent memory and coupled with fire responses we have seen our resources severely tested. Sadly, we have witnessed too many negative outcomes for those relying on our pre-hospital care system, the staggering amounts of call volume and outrageous wait times, people unable to access 911 call centres, and a dire shortage of ambulance units. Fire fighters, our sisters and brothers with CUPE 873 (paramedics and dispatchers) and all first responders are facing incredible odds in responding to the needs of the public. 

The pre-hospital care system and response of first responders is predicated on a quick response and quick relief by higher trained paramedics who can then further treat and transport necessary patients to the appropriate medical facilities. These past few days with the increase in heat related incidents, our crews are finding themselves more often waiting lengthy periods while awaiting a delayed ambulance response, creating time delays in response to other emergent needs. What we’re seeing today with calls going unanswered, lengthy delays in response due to triage determination which further delays response by fire fighters, and compounded by substantial delayed response from paramedics who have been stretched beyond their capacity is a system completely shattered. 

On behalf of not only all first responders but the public as well, we would like to know what is the plan from BCEHS to alleviate not only the current situation we find ourselves in, but the long term strategy for the entire province. The public is deserving of a first class pre-hospital care model, certainly not what we are experiencing today. All first responders would like to know how we are to support the citizens and communities we serve moving forward, for not only when we experience the next mini-disaster, but for the long term.

This has become all too common for the public to witness significant delays when calling for an emergency response to a medical incident. Numerous stakeholders have been calling on the government to provide positive change that reflects the needs of both the patient and community in delivering timely services, a service model that includes first responders, paramedics and hospital staff. 

I have contacted our various stakeholders about this ongoing issue and we are aggressively working towards solutions to fix the problem. The BCPFFA EMS committee and executive board will continue working on these issues as we identified during the convention and strive to keep you up to date as quickly as possible. Thanks for your ongoing efforts in keeping our communities safe. 


Gord Ditchburn


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