On September 18th, 2023 BCPFFA affiliate leaders were at the Union of BC Municipalities Conference (UBCM) meeting with local elected officials and provincial decision-makers to give them an understanding of the challenges, risks, and demands of a firefighter's job.
The BCPFFA hosted Fire Ops that included 27 participants from all over British Columbia who had an opportunity to experience and learn about the challenges fire fighters face in the course of their duties. Education and practical experience centered around safe staffing levels, best practices in occupational health & safety, and proper equipment / resources was delivered in this years Fire Ops, with emphasis on the PFAS used in fire fighting personal protective clothing (PPE).
Video by Jane Spitz
Group leaders and instructors from several Affiliate Locals ushered their groups through the 8 stations and provided them with a thoughtful explanation and first hand account of the challenges fire fighters faces, such as interior and exterior structure fire attacks, auto-extrication, hazmat, confined space, entanglements and pre-hospital care.
On behalf of the BCPFFA, we thank the candidates for participating in Fire Ops 101. It allowed us to provide a first-hand experience of what your fire fighters go through on a daily basis ensuring the safety of the public in the municipalities we serve. We are thankful to both the Vancouver Fire Rescue Services and IAFF Local 18 for allowing this to event to take place at the VFRS Training Centre. — Todd Schierling, President.
Video by Chris Mckee
Note: PFAS is used in fire fighter turnout gear and poses an unnecessary occupational threat. As a result, in August 2022, the IAFF and the Metro Chiefs joined forces to alert members to the adverse health risks posed by PFAS in turnout gear, draw attention to the need for PFAS-free turnout gear, and recommend precautionary steps for members and departments until next-generation gear can be developed and put in use. Subsequently, the BCPFFA & FCABC also published a joint memo on this important issue. Turnout Gear, was not used during Fire Ops, rather we used used cotton coveralls and modified the fire fighting scenarios.