IAFF Responding to the Interface
The International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) partnered with the Government of Canada and Kamloops Fire Rescue and fire fighters from across the Canada and United States to launch a pilot Responding to the Interface (RTI) train the trainer program.
Fifty IAFF structural fire fighters from BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan enrolled in the training, twenty five (25) for the inaugural launch August 1-4, 2023 in Kamloops BC. Master Trainers from Cal Fire and Austin, Texas and Mark Brise from Local 913 Kamloops) led the training for the “Train the Trainer” program.
Wiildfires in the interface are happening more regularly. Responding to wildfires in the interface requires specialized training methodologies in tactics and strategies. Dealing with interface wildfires is dangerous and unpredictable due to the topography, vegetation fuel sources, variable hazards, winds and dry heat. The RTI program enhances public and responder safety in the interface.
— Mike Carter, IAFF 6th District Vice President
The IAFF is thankful to the federal government for providing funding for the essential wildfire training program so our trainers can train others across the country to safely protect our communities in the interface.
The International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), in partnership with Natural Resources Canada and the City of Kamloops, is hosting a training program next week to prepare structural fire fighters for the dangers and hazards of wildfires.
Guest: Mike Carter - IAFF 6th District Vice President (representing Western Canada)
Guest: Mark Brise - a Kamloops fire fighter and member of IAFF Local 913
Source: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3xkOoIyGutbR6SXQUjaEmJ?si=5rChjPA4Ra6IhiFy06e3GA
Kamloops hosts interface firefighting course for structural firefighters.
Source: CFJC Today