"Our middle child, Levi, sustained a burn injury when he was just eight and a half months old. I am so happy that the Burn Fund has decided to have this program for families with preschool aged children. I really wish that we had this kind of support when we were first going through our burn journey. So we're really happy to be here now. It's amazing getting to meet other families and feeling the love and support for our family and getting to do the same with theirs. Now getting to see where the Burn Camp takes place, and how amazing the staff is, I'm really looking forward for Levi to have such a wonderful community to be a part of. I really hope he can make lifelong friends from it, and fun experiences he just never would have gotten without the Burn Fund's support." - Choo Family, Little Lionhearts Family Camp
"The burn community is an inclusive, resourceful and welcoming family... I am grateful to help serve and give back where I can." — Terresa McKenzie (mom) and burn survivor Keira (daugter)
"The burn community is an inclusive, resourceful and welcoming family. A beautiful family that you never even knew was there; until likely what is one of the hardest times of your life. During quiet moments of reflection years later you may look back on the early days and be humbled and filled with such a sense of gratitude recalling the many ways the Burn Fund Centre, staff, volunteers and other families helped in so many different ways. Having a burn survivor in the family represents many layers throughout the family system, and also intersects with many broader systems. Having others to help navigate all of these systems in this journey is priceless.
Volunteering to me helps promote healing, awareness, systemic change (where necessary) and resilience that fosters hope and connection during each stage of healing. I am grateful to help serve and give back where I can." — Terresa McKenzie. (mom) and burn survivor Keira, Terresa who is volunteer, fundraiser, and passionate advocate for the entire burn survivor community.
Burn Camp taught me that pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional" - Vanessa, Burn Survivor
"For #FirePreventionWeek I wanted to talk to my classmates about fire prevention. So I did a project for my class where I showed them a little more about burn survivors and that they’re okay. I also talked to them about how to prevent burns. I told them when babysitting, do not leave the child alone while the kettle is on or if there’s a hot drink around. Keep drinks high and out of reach. And make sure matches are locked up so a kid can’t play with it. It’s important we teach our kids what matches are and to not play with them. Kids like discovering things, but it’s better for them to discover things with their parents and not by themselves. I told them about how there are too many burn survivors out there because there’s not enough people who know how to prevent it. Sometimes it’s really hurtful when people laugh and look at my burns as a disease. And that’s why I wasn’t very confident. But now I know it’s not okay to treat others like that. Burn Camp taught me that pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional" - Vanessa, Burn Survivor
"My favourite part of Burn Camp is just being here. It’s really about the kids..." - Thomas Zarelli, burn survivor & Jr. Counsellor
“My favourite part of Burn Camp is just being here. It’s really about the kids. We are all here for the kids because of the support. Survivors often go through depression or have anxiety. It’s nice to have a week to be away from all that and be around people who are just like you,” - Thomas Zarelli, a burn survivor who has been attending Burn Camp for 14 years and is one of this year’s junior counsellors.
"I have no idea where I’d be without Burn Camp and the Burn Fund,” - James Buick
“I come to Burn Camp after so many years to give back to the younger campers what I got out of it as a camper. It puts a smile on my face seeing the positive reaction I get from the kids when I tell my story and when I walk around showing off my scars with pride and confidence. I have no idea where I’d be without Burn Camp and the Burn Fund,” -James Buick, Burn Camp Counsellor
"The best part about the Burn Fund really is how connected you feel within the community..." - Tyler Cairns, Member of the Future is Mine
"The best part about the Burn Fund really is how connected you feel within the community. It gives you a chance to be able to reach out to people that you didn't realize were there. It gives you the feeling that you're not alone, especially in a big city such as Vancouver. And Burn Camp is such a special thing to be a part of, whether you're young as a Camper, or you're coming as an adult as a volunteer. It just does such wonders for the soul. You don't realize what a difference you make in someone’s life until you come back the next year and there's people that remember you just from the impact you had on them. It's a beautiful thing to be able to have considering sometimes you can feel very lost and that there's nobody out there that understands the same things, and so its nice to be able to get that validation and support in knowing you're not alone in this journey." - Tyler Cairns, Member of the Future is Mine
"Burn Camp helped me develop the confidence to be comfortable in my own skin..." - Boris Lau, a Burn Survivor
"The Burn Fund and Burn Camp helped me develop the confidence to be comfortable in my own skin. The connections built at camp greatly shaped who I am today. They became a support system that was always there to help, even out of camp and into my early adulthood. I am incredibly honoured and grateful to have been chosen to receive one of the Burn Fund's many bursaries. This bursary will aid in my education to becoming an X-Ray tech so that I can serve the community."
Congratulations to Boris Lau, recipient of the Dr. Charles Snelling Bursary
"I feel like I can go home and feel more open about it now." - Hall Family, Little Lionhearts Family Camp
"My son is now two and a half years old, but was burned about a year ago. This has been the first time I have spoken about any of this. This camp has been a really eye opening experience. I almost didn't come, but I am so grateful that I did. I donate frequently to the Burn Fund now. It's a really big part of our lives, I don't know where we'd be without it. This entire experience has really made an impact on us as a family. My sister actually just told me that she feels like she doesn't have a right to have feelings about what happened. She always felt that because she isn't his mom, that she shouldn't be emotional in the way a parent would be. But this camp has really helped her to be emotional, and to realize that it's okay that it has had an effect on her as well. This has just made me feel more open, I feel like I can go home and feel more open about it now. And understand the situation better and know that it only goes up hill from here." - Hall Family, Little Lionhearts Family Camp
Tessa Rowan, a Yoga Teacher, RMT, and burn survivor who leads yoga sessions (now virtually!) with the Future is Mine adult burn survivor community
"With everything that's going on in the world right now, many friends and clients in my massage therapy practice are opening up about experiencing a new level of anxiety. To be honest, I feel it too. Even with all the tools that yoga has taught me, sometimes I forget to use them. One of my favourite techniques is also a simple one - Long Deep Breathing. Long Deep Breathing is a great tool for connecting with your breath and returning to a sense of calm. To practice Long Deep Breathing, simply find a place where you can sit comfortably, and gently coax a longer inhale and a longer exhale. Close your eyes, if it feels safe to do so. Continue this until you notice a shift the way you feel." - Tessa Rowan, a Yoga Teacher, RMT, and burn survivor who leads yoga sessions (now virtually!) with the Future is Mine adult burn survivor community. Tessa provides in-person and virtual yoga sessions.
"I like to give back to the Burn Fund because they have given me so much..." - Treenee Lopez, a member of the Future is Mine & Volunteer
"The support we get from the Burn Fund and all the activities that we have to enjoy is the best part about the Future is Mine! For survivors it is a great support. There is always something for us to be doing. Those events connect us with other survivors and that is the most wonderful part.
I like to give back to the Burn Fund because they have given me so much. If there is any opportunity to volunteer, give my time, I am happy to do it!" - Treenee Lopez, a member of the Future is Mine and a longtime Burn Fund volunteer.
Thank you Treenee for your many years of volunteering and support! We are so grateful to have you as part of our Future is Mine Community.